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 Articles and Certificates

Cannes Film Market 2022

Cannes Film Market 2022

Cannes 2022 / During the 2022 Cannes Film Market, the Rapsodies team welcomed on its stand many nice professionals from different countries: India (in the spotlight and they deserve it), UK, Canada, France, Sweden, Italy, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, ... with some promising meetings and some laughs too!...

Interview for Indie Cinema Magazine n°4

Interview for Indie Cinema Magazine n°4

About Hel / A Q&A with Carole Starcevic – Hel, the Last Saga: The Series - Best Unproduced Fantasy ScriptLink to the original article Carole, congratulations on winning the Indie Cinema Season 1 Award for Best Fantasy Screenplay! Before talking about the script, can you tell us a little about...

Lonely Wolf London International Film Festival

Lonely Wolf London International Film Festival

About Hel / We wrote a TV series version of the script Hel, the last saga. This adaptation has competed in several festivals and has already won several awards. We are very happy about this because this project is very promising, even more so in a TV series than in a feature film because of the twists and the...

Mail from Sergio Barbasso, Festival Director of the Vegas Movie Awards

Mail from Sergio Barbasso, Festival Director of the Vegas Movie Awards

About Mind out of Time / What a nice letter of praise received by the festival director Sergio Barbasso of the Vegas Movie Awards Festival. We are very proud that the Rapsodies team is being highlighted in this way. It is very motivating to see our work recognized and valued. Thank you Sergio, thank you Vegas! Dear...

Le Festival du Film Fantastique de France

Le Festival du Film Fantastique de France

About Hel / HEL, THE LAST SAGA finally won the best feature screenplay award at Le Festival du Film Fantastique de France on October 17th! What a pleasure to physically attend the festival for two of the French members of the Rapsodies team. During the festival, there was a screening of shorts in competition...